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Members' Area - Prayerbook

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We count it an honour to be asked to pray for you


Please use the Prayer Request Form -  Orange button above/right - to let us know how we can specifically be of help.  

Your request will be securely sent to the Pastoral Secretary, and ​we have a group of people who regularly pray together. 

Your prayer(s) may be written in the Church's Sanctuary 'Prayer Book', now also online, for any  others to see.

Please make sure you select the Yes/No box on the form, or telephone 01903 260568.   Thank you for getting in touch.

Prayer Requests:

26 January 2025 - Donna Potter

lease pray for myself and others in my block as we deal with many problems including several fires that something gets sorted soon.

Please also pray for my boyfriend's dad who sadly isn't getting any better from the chemo and is struggling. 

We also pray for hos nan who is detiriating and we don't know how long she's got.

25 January 2025 - Church Meeting

Remember our Church Meeting this Saturday

23 January 2025 - Rev Roger Wood

We pray for our District Council and Rev Roger Wood supporting this Church for a new minister

20 January 2025 - Jane Bond

Please reember Jane as she prepares herself for a cateract proceedure tomorrow.

19 January 2025 - This Week

This week we are asked to pray for Barbara P, Donna, Katherine, and Geoffrey.


19 January 2025 - Living Hope Ministries

We pray for Rev Richard Brunton of Living Hope Ministries who is leading our worship today.

We also pray for all the work Living Hope do around  the world.

19 December 2024 - Carols bt Candlelight

We remember our annual carol service today


27 November 2024  Open the Book

Please pray for our Open the Book team who are going into Durrington Infants & Junior school this Wednesday afternoon.

24 November 2024  John Jennings

We pray for John as he prepares to lead our worship for this Sunday.

17 November 2024  This week

This week we pray for Shaune King, Ray Knight, PaulLong and Bill Marshall

15 November 2024 Donna Potter

Please pray for my mum and her family as they sadly lost her half brother the other day, please also pray for my boyfriends dad who has terminal cancer an his nan who is in hospital and is getting worse.

Please also pray for me as I had  a minor op on my toe the other day.

10 November 2024 Remembrance Day

Remember today those who gave their lives during the two world wars in this country.

We also remind ourselves that this Church was inaugurated in 1940. A difficult time for all involved in the Church building programme.

6 November 2024 Rev Roger Wood

Our Interim Moderator as he prepares to lead our Remembrance Day service

5 November 2024 Vic Joy

We rejoice in hearing that Vic is now home again. We pray that he will experience a speedy recovery.

1 November 2024  Jode James

Please pray for Jode from East Wittering URC as she prepares to leave our worship on this coming Sunday


28 October 2024  Val Parker

We remember Val in our prayers during this time, as she too had been in hospital.

21 October 2024  Vic Joy

We continue to remember Vic in our prayers as he must be feeling very frustrated as he is still in hospital.

18 October 2024  Val Berry

Please pray and remember Val in your prayers as she is now home again after another visit to hospital.


22 September 2024  Vic Joy

Remember Vic Joy in your prayers after his fall, for his rehabilitation & for Maureen caring for Vic .


22 September 2024  Tina Twaits

We pay for Tina as she leads our service this morning.


16 September 2024  David Butcher

We pray for David and Margaret and thank God that David is now safely home from hospital


19 August 2024  

We thank the Lord that those for whom we have been praying are now well enough to return to worship at church. 

11 August 2024  David & Margaret Butcher

Please continue to pray for Margaret and David as they both struggle with their health.

We never hear them complain.

10 August 2024  All friends in the Church

We remember and pray for all those who are (still) in hospital either short or longer terms, and for those who have had recent tumbles.

5 August 2024  Christina Shearer

Please pray for Christina who is back in hospital. We also pray for the staff caring for her.


2 August 2024  Shirley & Roger Wilde

Please pray for Shirley who fell yesterday. She is in hospital and is on the list for a hip repair operation today.

Please also pray for Roger who is being supported by his children. We also pray for the skill of the surgeons and love of the nursing team.


30 July 2024  Christina Shearer

We remember Christina today following a table tennis accident. Please pray for her as she was taken to hospital today.

She is now home again (1 August)


28 July 2024  Church Members

This week we are asked to pray for Donna, Kay and Geoffrey

21 July 2024  Church Members

This week we pray for Valerie Parker, Alf Parker, Alan Patterson  and Barbara Popplestone

5 July 2024  Joan Jenkin

We remember Joan who needs our prayers at this time.

14 July 2024  Graeme Gill

We are glad the hear that Graeme is now home from hospital after his recent cycling accident and is now on the road to a full recovery.

7 July 2024  Church Members

This week we pray for Shaune, Ray, Paul and Bill - some of our members on our prayer list for this week. 

5 July 2024  Our New Government

We pray for Sir Kier Starmer and the new Government as they prepare to lead out County for the good of all, and for a safer World. 

We pray that God's Will be done.

30 June 2024  Graeme Gill

We pray for Graeme who was involved in a nasty cycling accident this morning, and who is now in Sussex County Hospital, Brighton.

Graeme and Val are in our prayers for Graeme's swift recovery. We also pray for Val at this time.

19 June 2024  Jay Slater

We remember the young man who went missing in Teneriffe a couple of weeks ago.

We especially pray for his parents who appear now to be searching for him more or lesson their own as the official search has been called off.


19 June 2024  Daphne Eames

We remember David Eames who must be having a difficult year following 

Daphne's death last August.

19 June 2024  Joan Finlay

Joan Finlay's friends are in our prayers, as she died a few weeks ago
Her funeral is arranged in a week or two's time.

19 June 2024  Rev George Butterworth

We pray for George as he prepares to lead our worship today.


29 May 2024  Hilary Redman re Andy English

Please pray for Andy English whose wife is dying with terminal brain cancer.

May the Lord bless them and keep them.  Thank you

27 May 2024  Val Parker

Please remember Val who needs our prayers. 

26 May 2024  Vic Joy

Our friend Vic has recently had a tumble.  We pray that he will soon be feeling better.

25 May 2024  Tania Hunt

Remember Tania in our prayers as she currently struggles with her health

19 May 2024

Church Members

As we begin again to remember all those in our Handbook/directory we pray that all will feel the presence of God's love in their lives.

13 May 2024 Valerie Cooper and Wilfred Rhodes

We remember Valerie as she prepares to lead our worship today and Wilfred as likewise he prepares for next week.

11 May 2024  Jane and Hilary

Please remember Hilary and Jane as they start long recovery processes. 

Difficult times for them both.


8 May 2024  Jane Bond

Please pray for Jane today as she goes into hospital for day surgery.

6 May 2024  Hilary Redman

Hilary is being discharged from hospital today.

Please pray for her as she is experiencing lots of pain.

5 May 2024  Welcomers (Stewards)

We thank the Lord for Eileen Rhodes with her team of helpers for the work they do in welcoming all who come through our front doors on a Sunday morning.

3 May 2024  Hilary Redman

Remember Hilary as she prepares herself for a surgical procedure today.

We pray that she will be comfortable and that the surgery will be a success.

14 April 2024  Hilary Redman

We pray for Hilary as she prepares herself for admission into hospital.

10 March Audio Video Desk

Please pray for Ryan Thomas and Alan & Jonathan Cooper for the commitment in manning the desk providing a wonderful service for us all Sunday by Sunday.


24 February 2024  Doreen (Do) Goodchild

Remember the Remembrance Service being held this afternoon  in aid of Do's life.


20 February 2024  Chris Howie

We remember Chris in our prayers this week.


January 2024  Doreen (Do) Goodchild

Mrs Do Goodchild, a long standing, and very much loved friend of this fellowship has died.

She was living in Billericay, Essex and was 99 years of age.  We pray for Jill, her family and friends

January 2024  Graham Redman

Graham's brother, Martyn, lost his fight with cancer and died today in Brighton hospital.

His funeral has been arranged for 25 January at Worthing Crematorium. Please pray for the family.

Martyn attended the Church here in Goring with rest of the family when they moved to Worthing in 1963.

1 January 2024  Happy New Year

We pray that this new year will bring peace to many parts of this troubled world

25 December 2023  Christmas Day

Father we thank you for  the love in Jesus Christ born today

23 December 2023  Martyn Redman

Please continue to remember Graham's brother, Martyn, who is now back in hospital. He has many problems with his health.


12 December 2023  Coffee & Cake

We pray for those  who attend our 'Warm Space' our coffee and cake afternoons

8 December 2023  The Symmonds Family

We remember Edward and Jean Symmonds who attended this Church many years ago. Edward was called to the URC ministry, Jean in Junior church. Edward is now far from well, and Jean recently lost her sister Jill. Please pray for their family.

11 November 2023  Roger & Shirley Wilde

Mike, our Son in Law has travelled to join our Lord.  Please pray for his grieving widow as she builds new life.


9 November 2023  Roger & Shirley Wilde

Roger & Shirley would appreciate your prayers for their daughter Suzanne and Son in Law Mike.

Mike is suffering from cancer but has been discharged from hospital as as they have withdrawn all medical assistance. He is at home being nursed by Suzanne, supported by 4 care visits a day plus a daily doctors visit.


27 October 2023  Gaynor Anderson-Easey

Please pray for Jess and her children - a Little Fishes family who are struggling at this time


22 October 2023  The Church

We have been asked to pray for this Church as it faces uncertain times now without a full time active miistere.

So we continue to pray for this Church this it may find the way, the truth and the light.

14 October 2023  New Members

We have seen many new faces here in Sunday Church and in our Monday Afternoon times.

Please pray that they may find their home of worship and are welcomed here.

4 October 2023  Donna Potter

Please pray for my mum who sadly has been diagnosed with bowel cancer that she gets the treatment she needs and they remove it please. Also please pray for my work colleagues as today is our last day together.  I have luckily got another job but please pray that the rest of them find something else soon.

10 September 2023  Brian Dyer

We pray for Bryan from Sompting URC, as he leads worship today. We keep Sheila, his wife, in our prayers too.

7 September 2023  Carol Webber

Remember Donna & her colleagues as they face uncertainty over their jobs

5 September 2023  Valerie Cooper

We pray for Valerie as she leads worship today.

23 August 2023  The Eames Family

We remember David Eames, his daughters and the rest of the family in our prayers.

Today is the service of Thanksgiving for Daphne's life.

10 August 2023  Daphne Eames

After a long struggle with cancer, Daphne died today in her home.

We pray for David, Sarah and Susan as they try to manage and cope with the loss of a wife and mother.

25 June 2023  Goring URC Mission Statement

We remind ourselves of our Mission Statement:  

                         'We are here to worship God and proclaim the love of Jesus Christ to all'

24 June 2023  Goring United Reformed Church

Together we pray for the Churches of Goring and Sompting as they prepare for a time without a full-time minister.

During the next few weeks Hilary, David and Linda will be leading our worship and our prayers are with them.

18 June 2023 Andrew and Jill Sellwood

Today, we especially pray for Andrew and Jill as they face retirement together with a new life in Leicestershire.

16 June 2023  Vic Joy

We remember and pray for Vic and Maureen as Vic is in hospital for surgery.

14 June 2023 Daphne Eames

Daphne is back in hospital.

We pray for her, David and the family.

21 May 2023  Daphne Eames

Please continue to pray for Daphne who has been admitted to Worthing Hospital. Remember her husband and family too. 

14 May 2023  Andrew & Jill Sellwood

We remember Andrew & Jill in our prayers as they look forward to and prepare to move home to Leicestershire following Andrew's retirement in about a month's time.

6 May 2023  Those waiting for Hospital Appointments

We pray for all who are waiting for various hospital appointments - they seem to wait for so long.

5 May 2023  Val Berry

Val has recently attended hospital for treatment to her eye. Please pray for her during this worrying time.

18 April 2023  Martyn Redman

Please continue to pray for my brother Martyn who is still in Brighton Hospital after initially being admitted in August last year. Graham 

1 April 2023  Hilary & Graham Redman

We pray for Hilary and Graham as they prepare to move home in a few day's time.

24 March 2023 David & Margaret Butcher

We remember David & Margaret in our prayers.


8 March 2023  Edna Nicholas

We hear today that Edna's funeral will take place at Worthing Crematorium on Friday 17 March at 2:30pm

Please remember the family in your prayers.

7 March 2023  Martyn Redman

We thank the Lord that Graham's brother has been discharged from hospital. 

We praise God that he is happy and comfortable in a rehabilitation unit in East Sussex after being in Brighton for 7 months.

26 February 2023  Daphne Eames

We pray for Daphne as she still waits to go into hospital.

19 February 2023  Sanctuary Prayer Book

The Prayer Book has been reintroduced into the Church Sanctuary.

It is there for you to use as you wish as well as the on line version.

16 February 2023  Edna Nicholas

We hear today of the death of Edna Nicholas. We pray for her son Kevin and the rest of her large family.

17 February 2023  Edna Nicholas

Edna died on Wednesday 15 February. Please pray for Kevin, one of her sons and the rest of her family.

Her funeral will take place in Worthing, the date of which will be announced when know.

10 February 2023  Daphne Eames

Remember Daphne Eames this week too as she goes in to hospital for surgery on Tuesday.

We pray for God's peace in her heart and healing over her recovery.


9 February 2023  Edna Nicholas

We pray for Edna as she received end of life care in hospital.

26 January 2023  Graham Redman

Please continue to pray for my brother Martyn, who is seriously ill in the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton.

He has been in hospital for 6 months now and was able to visit him on Tuesday last.

10 January 2023  Donna Potter

Please pray for my sister who is only 37 and previously suffered a stroke on boxing day. She is in Sussex County Hospital but doesnt get many visitors. Please also pray for my family as on the 18th January we have the funeral of my auntie.

2 January 2023  Amanda Cherry (née Stewart)

Please will you remember in your prayers Amanda Cherry (née Stewart), formerly of this church. Please pray for her healing. Ref. Gaynor

1 January 2023  For Members and Friends

At the start of this new year we remember all those in this Church; both members and friends.


20 December 2022  Alan & Valerie Cooper

Please pray for Alan and Valerie and their little granddaughter, Josie who is very poorly in hospital. 

We also pray foall the family at this time that they will know the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

15 December 2022  For all those who are suffering

We continue to remember in our prayers David & Margaret, Wilma, and Daphne. 

1 December 2022  Carol Webber

Please pray for Finn who is having a major back operation today in London. He is the disabled grandson of a friend.

Good news 3 December - Finn's op went well & he is sitting up in bed clapping his hands for his Dad


22 November 2022  Graham Redman

Please continue to pray for Martyn who is still seriously ill in Eastbourne Hospital urgently waiting for a bed in the Sussex County. We pray that he may be moved tonight or tomorrow morning and to receive a proper diagnosis.

19 November 2022  Wilma Smith

We pray for her recovery at home.

11 November 2022  Graham Redman

We continue to pray for my brother, Martyn who is still very ill, now moved to Eastbourne Hospital.

1 November 2022  Daphne Eames

Daphne is attending Worthing Hospital today to start a course of Chemotherapy.

We pray that she will benefit greatly from the treatment.


29 October 2022  Donna Potter

Please pray for my best friend an her family as 3 months ago they was given the bad news that her step dad wouldn't make it any longer but he did.... now he has been told it is definitely anytime now as he is slowly passing away.


25 October 2022  Covid 19

We remember people in this Church who have recently contracted COVID.

This week we pray for Jane Bond and Barbara Hillman; for their swift recoveries.

15 October 2022  Graham Redman

We pray for Graham's brother, Martyn who is very ill in a Sussex County Hospital, Brighton.

Update 22 October:-  Although Martyn is still in severe pain, we are praying for a recovery.

2 October 2022  David Butcher

We hear today that David has contracted COVID.

Pray for David and Margaret as they struggle to take care of themselves.


1 October 2022  Malcolm Strudwick

Please pray for Malcolm who is very poorly in hospital. We also remember Anita at this time.

30 September 2022 Church Friends

We remember all people we may know who have contracted COVID-19 recently. We pray for their swift recoveries.

28 September 2022  Val Gill: a friend of -

We are asked to pray for a friend of Val's  whose husband has a suspected brain tumour. He is only in his 30s.


22 September 2022 Daphne Eames

Pease remember Daphne who is undergoing hospital treatment for cancer of the throat.

14 September 2022  Ray Knight

We remember Ray in our prayers who's wife Annette died recently.  Her funeral is today 

6 September 2022  Donna Potter

Please pray for my auntie and two of my friends who have health issues.

1 September 2022  Edna Nicholls

Please continue to pray for Edna who is, or who has been in hospital.

21 August 2022  David Butcher

Please remember David and Margaret in  your prayers as David is suffering from severe Migraine. May the Lord bless them both at this time.


18 August 2022  Sue Clarke

Please pray for for Sue who is undergoing treatment in hospital.

We also remember Christine, her daughter, her Son-in-Law Julian and family who are going through difficult times.

15 August 2022  Those on Holiday

For all those on holiday we pray that they will have good times, returning home with new strengths of body, mind and soul.

13 August 2022  Edna Nicholas

We continue to remember Edna in our prayers, who is still in hospital.

11 August 2022  Daphne Eames

Please continue to remember Daphne in your prayers

1 August 2022  Daphne Eames

Please remember Daphne in your prayers as she has just had a scan. Hilary


30 July 2022  Our Church Family

During the course of the year we remember all those listed in our Handbook: 

This week - Edna Nicholson, Sue Nichols and Penny Norfolk

28 July 2022  Edna Nicholas

We pray for Edna as she was taken into Worthing Hospital today

27 July 2022  Ray and Verna Elliott

We pray for Ray and Verna who have recently been suffering with Covid.

25 July 2022  July Church Meeting

We pray for our Church Meeting this coming Thursday, especially remembering Val Gill as she is standing again for her second term of office as serving elder.  We pray for all our Elders, both serving and non-serving for all they do in service.

17 July 2022 Church Family Prayers

This week we pray for Paul Long, Bill Marshall Sue Mitchell and Peggy Mott

7 July 2022  Our Country

At this time of unrest in Parliament we pray for the Queen, our Country, and the Government as we go through these turbulent and unsettled times.


28 June 2022  Barbara Popplestone

We pray for Barbara for a quick return to her 'home' in Ferring after being taken to Worthing Hospital on Tuesday evening.

26 June 2022  Donna Potter

Please pray for my best friend, her mum and family as they watch their step dad/husband slowly pass away in a coma.
Also pray for me while I try to deal with this, also for the stressful time we are having at work with no staff.


15 May 2022  Donna Potter

Please pray for my friend and his family in Brighton as he sadly lost his uncle.
Pray for my family as we continue to watch my 97 year old auntie fight for her life with cancer
Also pray for my best friend an her family as her step father has brain cancer and blood clots on his lungs.

13 May 2022  Gordon Brunton Funeral

We pray for Gordon's family and friends as they meet today for the Funeral and Thanksgiving Service for his life. 

8 May 2022  Doris Baker

We hear that our friend Doris Baker died today at the age of 103. 

Our prayers go out to her family. 

7 May 2022  The Ukraine Appeal

We pray for the safe and successful passage of goods leaving Worthing today for the Ukraine.

1 May 2022  Family Prayers

We remember in our prayers all those in our Church family.

28 April 2022  Daphne Eames

Daphne was taken into hospital on Thursday afternoon. We pray for her and husband. 

We thank the Lord that she is now home again, and pray for her swift recovery.

26 April 2022  Ray Elliott

We thank God that Ray is now home again.


25 April 2022  The Ukraine Appeal

We all continue to pray for for the desperate needs of the people in Ukraine.

This Church is collecting items to be taken to Warsaw, leaving Worthing on Saturday 7th May.

23 April 2022  Ray Elliott

We pray for Ray who suffered a heart attack last Thursday and is in hospital. Verna of course also needs our prayers.

22 April 2022  Gordon Brunton who has died today

We pray for his daughters, Caroline, Alison, and Margaret and their families at this difficult time.

20 April 2022  Gordon Brunton

Please pray for Gordon who is very ill in Worthing Hospital.

7 April 2022  Kestro

Pray for the Elders meeting and in particular to pray for the way forward for Kestro, that they may continue to meet on Church premises.

4 April 2022  Kestro Stroke Club

We pray for the Kestro club as they go through this difficult time.

31 March 2022  Donna Potter

Please pray for my best friend an her family as her step dad had a brain tumour, he had a op to remove it which didn't work an is now receiving radiotherapy to help with the removal of it hopefully but would appreciate any prayers please.

25 March 2022 Edna Nicholas

We remember Edna in our prayers.

20 March 2022   Our Church Congregation

We pray for many in our congregation; Members and friends, who have and/or testing positive for Coved-19.

21 March 2022   Barbara Popplestone

We pray for Barbara confined to her room, and for all those in Greystoke Manor Rest Home.

She and a number of other residents including staff have tested positive with Covid.  Times are difficult for them all.

24 February 2022   The Ukraine

You will have all heard the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the concerns for Europe. Southern Synod asks for a Call to Prayer by all Synod members. 


13 February 2022   Vic Joy

We remember Vic and Maureen in our prayers as Vic fell over during this past week and had to spend a night in hospital.

29 January 2022   KESTRO Club

Please pray for the future of KESTRO. A meeting will be held on Monday 31st January to consider the way forward for the club & it's members.

27 January 2022    Ryan & Susie Thomas

Please remember Ryan and Susie in your prayers as Ryan and Joe have tested positive for Covid19.

23 January 2022   Church Meeting

We were asked to remember again the families of Trevor Plank and Trudie Sanders who had died in December.

We were also asked not to forget in our prayers those in care homes who have been away from Church for some time - Bill Marshall and Barbara Popplestone,  and more recently, Denise Woods.

16 January 2022   Graham Redman

We pray that Graham has an enjoyable and happy 80th birthday today.

12 January 2022  Trevor Plank
Rev George Butterworth, will conduct Trevor's funeral at 10am today in the Chapel of Tribes undertakers.
We pray for his family and friends, and thank God again for his Christian witness in the Church here in Goring.

10 January 2022  Trudie Sanders

We remember Trudie's family today.  Her funeral is 11:30am at Worthing Crematorium.

19 December 2021  Trudie Sanders

We give thanks to God for the life of Trudie who died today, a member here for about 35 years. She was 85​.

9 December 2021   Trevor Plank

We give thanks to God for the life of Trevor who died today in Worthing Hospital. He was 89 and had been a Church member here for over 40 years.


23 November 2021

A prayer request from the Christian organisation Yada, a charity working out of Ferring. They are supporting vulnerable women, and have asked us for prayer support. (This is not the same charity as Safe in Sussex, although they work together)

23 November 2021  Donna Potter

Please remember Donna in your prayers. She has caught Covid and is struggling with it. Fortunately her sister is looking after her. Please pray for a speedy recovery.

20 November 2021  Olive Bushby

Please remember Olive in your prayers, recently bereaved through the loss of her husband.

6 November 2021  Donna Potter

Please remember my family and their friends, as Monday marks the 1st year anniversary of our dear friend who passed away from covid.  Her husband is finding things hard.

Also please pray for my mate's mum who has been back in hospital after having a stroke and has a blood clot on the brain.  Also my mate's husband had a operation on his heart to add to the stress

5 November 2021  Olive Bushby

We remember Olive Bushby in our prayers. Her husband Dennis passed away on Monday 1st November, after a long illness. May God bless Olive and her family especially at this time.

15 October 2021 Smith Family

Remember Wilma & Matthew together with their daughter and family as they have been affected with covid -
Lesley who is particularly poorly.    We pray for them all.

14 October 2021 Denise Woods

Please pray for Denise as she moves into respite care tomorrow.

18 September 2021 Mary Connelly

Following her stroke, we pray for Mary as she has left hospital and is staying in Lindum House Care Home.

Her own home is being prepared for her return and for the 24 hour care she will receive.

Please continue to pray for her and her family. Recovery has been slow.


16 September 2021 Church's 60th Anniversary

We thank God for the foresight given to the minister, Rev Cyril Franks and members of Goring Congregation Church to extend the church at the time [Main Hall] to what we have now, a beautiful Sanctuary.  60 years ago 16 September 1961.

10 September 2021 Donna Potter

Please continue to pray for Donna as she awaits further news as to when she will go in for her hospital appointment.

Donna also asks us to pray for her friend's mother who is in hospital with a collapsed lung.


20 August 2021 Donna Potter (Standing)

Please pray for Donna as she is in a great deal of pain with her tooth or teeth. She is waiting for a hospital appointment.

13 August 2021 Church Family

We remember Gaynor Anderson-Easey, Doris Baker, Marianne Barber, Rosina Bayley, Val Berry,  Jane Bond,
Gordon Brunton, Olive Bushby, David & Margaret Butcher, Mary Connelly, Alan & Valerie Cooper,  Jonathan Cooper

12 August 2021 Elders' Meeting

We pray for an additional elders' meeting to be held on Thursday evening 13 August.

4 August 2021  Graham Redman

Graham gives thanks to God and for all prayers and thoughts passed on to him during the past 6 weeks.

He has now been discharged from hospital and is feeling much better. Thank you to all.


30 July 2021  Those who struggle with their eyesight

We pray for all those who struggle with their eyesight, those who are blind or losing their sight, those who have or are waiting for cataract procedures, and who's sight is failing for many other reasons.

24 July 2021  New Eldership

Andrew has asked that we pray for our new team of elders; both new and re-elected today:  

Starting their terms of office in September.

We also remember those elders who are finishing their terms of office and thank God for all they have contributed to the church. We pray for their continued service in 'retirement'

22 July 2021 Carole Culliss

Today remember our dear friend Carole, and pray for her family and friends.


20 July 2021 Roger Wilde

We continue to pray for Roger and  Shirley,  as Roger is still struggling with back pain and the burden this inevitably puts on Shirley.

17 July 2021 Mary Connelly

We pray for Mary, a Church member,  who suffered a stroke on Friday 16th July and is now in hospital. Please pray for her recovery and her family at this difficult time. Her husband William (Bill) was minister here for many years. 

13 July 2021 David & Margret Butcher

David & Margaret who are both waiting for appointments to do with back and cataracts. We pray and remember them as they so patiently wait.


10 July 2021 Elders Election

We pray for those who are letting their names go forward to the forthcoming Elders Election later this month.

6 July 2021 Mary Redman's Friend

Please pray for Mary's friend whose very young daughter has a suspected brain tumour. 


4 July 2021 Church Family

We remember Bett & Tony Swierk, Rosemary Terry, Ryan & Susie Thomas and family, Alan & Alison Westcott,

Munro & Joan Wightman, Roger & Shirley Wilde, Isobel Willard, Giles & Rita Wilson, Denise Woods

2 July 2021  Jean Easey

We pray for Gaynor Anderson Easey whose mother-in-law died on 29 June. Jean spent many hours in the past helping in our Boys Brigade. We also remember, Gaynor's husband at this time as he has lost his mother.

1 July 2021  Carole Culliss

We remember Carole who has gone to be with her Lord today.

We pray especially for her family at this difficult time -  for the loss of a mother and grandma.

Please continue in prayer for Carole’s family - and for each other as we remember our lovely friend. 

28 June 2021  Peggy Mott

We pray for Peggy in hospital, and trust that she will be home soon and feeling better. 

27 June 2021 Church Family 

This week we are asked to pray for Andrew & Jill Sellwood, Christina Shearer and Matthew & Wilma Smith.

27 June 2021 Carole Culliss

We continue to remember Carole  and her family in our prayers as she still suffers in hospital after her stroke in May.

24 June 2021 Roger Wilde

We remember Roger and Shirley in our prayers as Roger has severerly strained his back.

20 June 2021 Church Family 

This week we are asked to pray for Wilfred & Eileen Rhodes, Rita Roberts and Trudie Sanders.

20 June 2021   Graham Redman

Please remember Graham in your prayers as he is due to go into hospital on Thursday 24th June.

19 June 2021  Edna Nicholas 

Edna struggles with her life from time to time. She would love to come to church regularly but finds it difficult.
Please pray for her. See Welcome note.

13 June 2021 Church Family

Pray for Geoffrey Redman, Paul, Mary, Chloe & Nathan Redman and Graham & Hilary Redman

6 June 2021 Church Family

In our prayers this week, we are asked to pray for Trevor Plank, Barbara Popplestone, Donna Potter and Kay Pritchard

13 May 2021  Carole Culliss

Please pray for Carole after as she recently suffered a severe stroke and is currently in Worthing Hospital.

6 May 2021  Ray Knight

We pray for Ray as he continues to visit his wife, Annette, with dementia and in a nursing home.

25 April 2021  Church Family

Mr and Mrs Ray and Verna Elliott, Mrs Cath Findlay, Mrs Joan Finlay, and Mrs Freda Flint.

18 April 2021  Church Sanctuary Open

The elders are pleased to announce that as from Sunday 18 April the Sanctuary will be open again. 

We give thanks to the teams of health professionals that have made this possible.

7 April 2021  Margaret Gardner

Margaret is in hospital after she fell in Lancing on Easter Sunday. We pray for a quick recovery

6 April 2021  New OnLine Prayer Book

This is a new on-line facility introduced to supplement our Prayer Book in the Sanctuary.

We hope that it will be regularly added to and become a benefit to those who use it.

Please fill-in the Request Form to add a prayer

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