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Mission:  Home and Overseas 

Home Mission:
​We support the Worthing Churches Homeless Projects, Worthing Food Bank
and our local community.   

Overseas Mission:
We support the following organisations financially and through our activities.
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Wycliffe Bible Translators is part of an international association of Wycliffe organisations comprising of over 5000 active members from 46 countries, whose aim is to give people groups around the world access to God's Word in the language they understand best.

Ruth & Mamy's Chat Newsletters -

Christian Aid works wherever the need is greatest, irrespective of religion. It supports local organisations, which are best placed to understand local needs, as well as giving help on the ground through 16 overseas offices.

Tradecraft has been fighting poverty through trade since 1979,and has an active community of supporters, shareholders, customers, professionals and producers committed to reducing poverty throughout the world


​Mission Aviation Fellowship flew over 2.5 million miles in 2012 serving over 600 organisations.It provides help for life-threatening emergencies, and for indigenous Church leadership. It spreads the Gospel to the unreached


The Leprosy Mission is a leading international non-denominational Christian organization, with over 130 years experience in leprosy work.


The Bible Society is part of a fellowship of 137 affiliated Societies and offices which work to translate and distribute the Scriptures in more that 200 countries around the World.

Mission Chairperson is Mrs Bobby Hitchin 

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